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The digital tip boards around World Discovery, World Celebration, and World Nature have been repainted in the color schemes of their neighborhoods.In our latest photo report from the Magic Kingdom and Disney’s Hollywood Studios, we take a look at new ‘Hercules’ and ’Thor: Love and Thunder’ pins at Frontier Trading Post, the new menu at 50’s Prime Time Café, and more!.The canopy was illuminated for the very first time at TRON Lightcycle / Run this evening as well, giving a glimpse at what it might look like when the attraction opens for business.building as construction progresses on TRON Lightcycle / Run. Some more changes are visible on the Tomorrowland Light & Power Co.Here is your Daily Recap for Thursday, June 9, 2022. So in case you missed anything from our feed, we have rounded up all our stories in one place to get the news at a glance. We bring you a lot of stories every single day.

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